This week’s newsletter requests help testing a pre-release of the next major version of LND, seeks review of a method for sending payments as part of a chaumian coinjoin mix, links to a work-in-progress protocol specification for discreet log contracts, and includes our regular sections about notable changes to popular services, client software, and infrastructure projects.

Action items

  • Help test LND 0.9.0-beta-rc3: this pre-release of the next major version of LND brings several new features and bug fixes. Experienced users are encouraged to help test the software so that any problems can be identified and fixed prior to release.


  • New coinjoin mixing technique proposed: Max Hillebrand started a thread on the Bitcoin-Dev mailing list about Wormhole, a method developed during a Wasabi design discussion for sending payments as part of a chaumian coinjoin. The protocol prevents even the spender from learning the receiver’s Bitcoin address (within the limits of the anonymity set). Developer ZmnSCPxj notes that the technique is similar to tumblebit, which provides a trustless chaumian payment service. Hillebrand is requesting feedback on the design in the hopes of seeing it implemented in the future.

  • Protocol specification for discreet log contracts (DLCs): DLCs are a contract protocol where two or more parties agree to exchange money dependent on the outcome of a certain event as determined by an oracle (or several oracles). After the event happens, the oracle publishes a commitment to the outcome of the event in the form of a digital signature, which the winning party can use to claim their funds. The oracle doesn’t need to know the terms of the contract (or even that there is a contract). The contract can look like either the onchain part of an LN transaction or it can be executed within an LN channel. This makes DLCs more private and efficient than other known oracle-based contract methods, and it’s arguably more secure as an oracle who commits to a false result generates clear evidence of their fraud.

    This week Chris Stewart announced that several developers are working on a specification for using DLCs, with the goal of creating an interoperable design for use between different software, including LN implementations. See their repository for the current specification. Anyone interested in DLCs may also wish to review the scriptless scripts repository that documents other clever applications of digital signature schemes to contract protocols.

Changes to services and client software

In this monthly feature, we highlight interesting updates to Bitcoin wallets and services.

Notable code and documentation changes

Notable changes this week in Bitcoin Core, C-Lightning, Eclair, LND, libsecp256k1, Bitcoin Improvement Proposals (BIPs), and Lightning BOLTs.

  • Bitcoin Core #17843 helps resolve a discrepancy between how reused addresses are determined in the listunspent and getbalances RPCs in wallets using reuse avoidance. Before it was resolved, the problem could have resulted in the getbalances RPC overreporting the amount of funds available for spending.

  • Eclair #1247 fixes the Sphinx privacy leak described in Newsletter #72 where a routing node might be able to deduce a lower bound for the length of a path back to the source node.

  • Eclair #1283 allows multipath payments (MPP) to traverse unannounced channels, which is necessary for eclair-mobile to be able to make MPP payments.

  • LND #3900 allows a spender to send custom data records along with their payment. Using lncli, a user can pass the --data flag along with the record ID and the data in hex, e.g. 65536=c0deba11ad. One current use of custom records is the WhatSat program that routes private messages over LN.